The Book Report
Copyright 2012, mikecb
Copyright 2012, mikecb
Research paper 3 by Rich Melman
Freshman Writing Seminar, Section 4, Prof. Campbell.
Freshman Writing Seminar, Section 4, Prof. Campbell.
Assignment: Due by end of class on February 4, 2094.
1) Write a research paper of 500-750 words on some historical practice of interest.
2) At the end of the paper, append personal observations (250-500 words) from the research.
1) Write a research paper of 500-750 words on some historical practice of interest.
2) At the end of the paper, append personal observations (250-500 words) from the research.
Chastity Belts
Chastity belts were first conceived in the middle ages. Everyone is familiar with modern chastity belts. However, a lot of people don’t know that back then, chastity belts were used non-consensually. Things were very different back then. These metal objects were built by heating the metal, and pounding and bending it with a hammer. The original chastity belts were made of primitive kinds of steel that could rust and be cut with simple hand tools. There are few existent examples in museums, and they are believed to have been almost totally ineffective.
Chastity belts fell out of documented history for over a thousand years, until near the turn of the millennium. At that time, the world was still quite sexually repressed, and chastity devices were considered a strange perversion. However, at this point, the use of chastity devices had turned to consensual play. The resurgence of interest in chastity play was believed to be due to the availability of a few new materials. Primitive devices could be fashioned in a very environmentally unfriendly material called “plastic”. Though illegal now, back then, plastic was used for all kinds of things. It’s hard to believe that toxic stuff was so commonplace back then! With molding techniques, they could form a device from plastic that could capture male genitalia. It’s frightening to think of putting one’s penis in a toxic tube, knowing what we do now about those plastics. Still, people enjoyed them for many years.
Another form of steel became useful for chastity around this time. It was called “stainless steel”. With its development, belts very similar to the medieval chastity belts could be fashioned from this newer kind of steel. Still, the devices were quite basic without any of the automatic hygiene features of modern devices. They had to be removed frequently for cleaning. Also, the stainless steel varieties of belts required very specific measurements and manual creation by a skilled craftsman who could work in those old materials. Thus, the chastity devices were not only stigmatized by society, but they were also very expensive and difficult to obtain.
Sexual repression was extensive in those times. Nudity was so frowned upon that there was gender segregation in bathrooms and showers back then, and, believe it or not, people wore clothing to go swimming! Sexual education was minimal and religious practices even tried to regulate frequency of sex and partner selection.
Thankfully, the world became more enlightened, and by the 30’s, many of those old ways of thinking had changed as the millennial children grew up. Also, around this time, nanometal technology was beginning to have its first practical applications.
Though we can’t conceive of it now, back then, all metal objects still had to be created by heating and fashioning by bending. The invention of nanometal particles changed everything. Being able to create any metal object by having nanometal particles align themselves through programmatic matrices revolutionized manufacturing, and had immediate impact on chastity devices. Whereas in the past, a skilled craftsman had to spend hours or days building a single device, now anyone could make one in minutes. For decades, it has been trivial to download a freely available template from the interwebs and load it into a material realization wand. With a wave over your body for size scanning, and a wave over a pile of nanometal dust, one could cast his own, inexpensive chastity device in minutes. In addition, the nanites developed for self-cleaning paints and surfaces could be coated onto the device to improve hygiene. Finally, with the introduction a few years later of hair follicle nanites for geniscaping, the regrowth of hair could be circumvented, allowing for comfortable wear for as long as the owner wished.
Now, in current times, chastity belt wear is quite commonplace. Individuals or couples often choose to wear chastity belts for the erotic stimulation of sexual denial. A few clergy who still try to preach sexual repression also wear them. Along with their religious vows, some take a vow of chastity and program their chastity belts with an unrecorded de-matrix key, thus making the belt un-removable. If made from nanotitanium, these belts are extremely difficult to remove, even with expensive manufacturing tools. Of course, clergy are not the only ones who chose to permanently matrix their chastity devices. Some highly submissive people also choose to do this for their dominant partners. Current recommendations from most of the literature indicates that if you didn’t score a 15% or below on your primary school assertiveness tests that you should think very carefully before making such a commitment.
Personal Observations
Chastity devices have been mentioned in sex education classes for as long as I can remember, and of course, I’ve seen people wearing them at the gym, swimming, or outside on warm summer days. Still, I had never tried one until Senior year Sex Ed Lab. I really didn’t think I’d like wearing one for 48 hours, but it was strongly encouraged for class. I honestly hadn’t gone that long without masturbating since I was 13! We talked about our first 24 hours experience in class. I hadn’t tried to have sex with anyone, but a few of my classmates reported that it was both frustrating but yet a lot of fun to have sex with someone who wasn’t belted.
I had never tried non-reciprocal sex. It sounded so interesting that I asked around that day at lunch, and got a few people who wanted to try it with me, while I was still locked in. It was one of the most rewarding three-ways I’ve ever done, though I regretted that I hadn’t taken the fellatio elective when I had the chance the previous year. Still, I muddled through and it was an awesome experience. Chastity play may be a very good fit for me in the future. In fact, I have cast belts and worn them fairly regularly since graduation. I’ve worn them for periods of a few days, to up to two weeks over the summer. I’ve found it quite stimulating.
The experiences from Sex Ed lab, my summer experimentation, and with doing the research for this paper have been really fun and exciting. Though I scored 18% on my Primary School assertiveness tests, I’m only slightly above the recommended guidelines to permanently cast a belt onto myself. I fantasize about it quite a lot. Who knows, maybe if I find the right partner or partners when I get older, we may choose to take that step. In the mean time, I intend to wear one as often as possible. I’ve been experimenting with giving the de-matrix key to a friend of mine. It really changed the experience dramatically, and I enjoy it immensely. Of course, I’m still using my High School wand, so my parents have backup copies of the de-matrix keys if necessary. Don’t worry, Mrs Campbell!
The End
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